06 Apr

Red Angus Steer in Carcase Competition

Colin Say & Co P/L has given 2020 Sydney exhibitors the chance to still compete in a carcase competition. Cattle have been collected over the weekend and will be...

03 Apr

Red Angus Steers Sold on AuctionsPlus

Commercial Red Angus steers from Tasmania were sold in 3 lots today on AuctionsPlus as part of the Tasmanian Cattle Sale. The three lots averaged 416.5c/kg, 419.4c/kg and 436.9c/kg....

31 Mar

Information for Vendors for the National Sale

Due to the restrictions and situation regarding Covid-19 around Australia, the NSS Committee has decided to move the 2020 Red Angus and Simmental National Show and Sale completely online...

18 Mar

Royal Adelaide Show 2020

CLICK HERE for the link to the Royal Adelaide Show Beef Cattle & Led Steers Competition Schedule for this year’s Royal Adelaide Show. The show will be held the 4-13 September.

17 Mar

Recent prices from around the country

In the last few weeks Red Angus and Red Angus X cattle have been making good prices. At Toowoomba Sales, Greenwood Park heifers made 285c/kg. Averaged $1211.25/head. Steers sold...

17 Mar

Red Angus Feature in the Tas Country

Tasmanian Red Angus members put together a feature page in a recent advertising edition. CLICK HERE to read the articles.

17 Mar

Red Angus Forum Postponed

Dear Red Angus Members, It is with deepest regret that I am writing to inform you that the Red Angus Forum planned for the 9th and 10th of May...

28 Feb

Livestock Genetics Forum

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) invites you to attend the 2020 Livestock Genetics Forum to hear the latest updates and information on how genetic advancements are transforming the red...

27 Feb

2020 Sydney Royal Judging

Please note the time change of the Red Angus judging at Sydney Royal. Red Angus judging will be at 2pm on Saturday the 4th of April 2020 CLICK HERE...

25 Feb

SBTS & TBTS 2020 Autumn Update

CLICK HERE to read the Autumn Update from SBTS & TBTS. If you have any questions about the update, or any technical questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Catriona...

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